
Wednesday 10 August 2016

Distinctively Favoured!

I usually wake up saying “Damn not again slept through my alarm” or on a weekend “wow its 11am.. I too dey sleep” but these past few days has been different. Few days ago I woke up to a friend’s message on Facebook about "Trusting God" (See Here), the following day, I woke up to another message about "Trusting God’s Timing" and on Monday I woke up to a message about “Seeking God in Prayer and Worship”(See Here)

However this morning I woke up with the word "FAVOUR" coming out of my mouth, (strange I know) and I couldn’t stop singing “God favoured me” by Hezekiah Walker!  (Someone would think is she ok?) And the message for me in that song was that in spite of my circumstances, my enemies or whatever it is I am going through, the challenges, the fear, the trials, and the tribulations God has favoured me. See as I kept singing that song and praying on the words, I heard His whisper saying “I have distinctively favored you, I have accelerated your favour”. Do you know what it means to be distinctively favoured by God? it means you have His approval, His acceptance, His special benefits and blessing. The grin, the joy, the peace, the fulfillment in me knowing I am favoured…. I just couldn’t explain it.

Do you know the amount of times I gave up and turned my back on Him, asking so many WHY & WHAT questions, thinking He was not there…. Little did I know that He never turned His back, He was there all along, in my trial, my test, my hard times, He was waiting for me to activate my faith and I just did not know, imagine the feeling knowing God’s got your back…INCREDIBLE! I thank God because through my crises, my hard times, the good, the bad and the ugly... I am here, alive, blessed, and happy because I know the FAVOUR of God is on my life. (How amazing)

See I do not know what you might be/are going through, what your circumstances are, what the battle is, what you think you might have lost, or you feel like everyone is way ahead of you, but one thing I am sure of is that God knows how to make up for what seems like lost time, all you need is a little faith that’s what God requires from you and to believe in Him. Your circumstances may say otherwise, your situation may be speaking hell, you might feel like you’ve lost the battle, but have that BOLDNESS and BELIEVE that there is something different about you, because God has FAVORED you and set you aside for GREATNESS.

I don’t know about you but I am very pleased that God favours me, despite all that has happened and still happening around me I know that He is watching over me and protecting me against those that will rise up against me. As Psalms 37:1 says "fret not thyself because of evil doers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity".

Until Next time….. Know that you are Blessed and Distinctively Favoured.

Vida Amorosa
Olori Amope xx