
Friday 10 June 2016

Live an Inspired Life.

Over the years I use to beat myself up for things I could have done or should have done, I later realized that living a life of guilt for the things you could or should have done is no way to live. It took me a while to snap out of this life but one faithful day I decided it is time and chose instead to live an inspired life taking advantage of every moment and opportunity that comes my way. This made me realize that when you choose to or are living an inspired life, there are simply no regrets, only promises and hope for a better future.

Side Bar: I have said throughout my journey I will share my views and experience. So how do you live an inspired life starting today?

Living an inspired life means you are running your own race, following your own path and your own dreams. So many people are forced onto a path by others that they completely lose touch with their own dreams. People will often say and do whatever they feel is right, however, what might be right for them may not be right for you. Everyone has their own opinion and perspective about things, this perspective is colored by their own beliefs, values and assumptions and does this make it wrong or right? Not necessarily. It’s just an opinion, and yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however don’t build your life solely based on what other people think is best for you, I know someone who always base their decision on the majority’s opinion… (You know when someone already made a decision but needs others backup) and apparently “majority cannot be wrong” or “the majority are older so they know better” I mean, why should you let other people decide for you? Is it their life? No… Remember it is your life and you have absolute control over your life, do not let other people’s opinion affect your own decision, do not allow people think for you or make your mind up for you.
To live an inspired life you have to improve yourself, and focus on self-improvement, after a certain event in my life, I literally had to pinch and tell myself that rather than wallow in self-pity all day, I can actually learn so many things in this world and make something better of myself. I mean I had to think about all the skills I could learn or all the knowledge I could possibly gain. I noticed that all these things are available and at my disposal as long as I am willing to go out there and make them my own. So think about the different ways you can improve yourself, your interactions with others, and the world around you. You have the full power to activate these changes today, take positive action to make these things solid in your life. Spend your time wisely and prudently on the most important things that have the greatest meaning in your life. If you are not living a life built around your core values and passions, then you are not really living at all. You are just taking up space living life without purpose. You need to outline what it is you’re passionate about, clarify what your core values are, live your life with purpose every single day and spend time with people who encourage, motivate, inspire, love and support you, people that will be there for you when things get difficult.
You have to step outside your comfort zone and try something different and new. I know most of us like our comfort zone after all that’s our safe zone, but really we can only discover something new about ourselves if we try something else from the norm that we are used to, what have you got to lose? I know for most people, this is definitely not how they will choose to live their lives, they’d rather try and avoid variety at all costs, and instead live a mundane existence and at the end of it they end up regretting the things they failed to do, or never even attempted. I had to leave my comfort zone and try things I wouldn’t even think of doing, and guess what, I am glad I did, because I had that sense of fulfillment and know that I am truly living and experiencing life in all its glory. Hence say “yes” more often to new experiences and do something new and different that can help you to enlarge your horizons. As a matter of fact, welcome variation into your life. All of these things will help you add another unbelievable layer to your life that will make every moment worth living. You need to learn to overcome your fears, your fears are really there to help you learn and grow into your full potential as a human being, to help make life interesting and exciting. Many people see their fears as these dreadful giants that is about to swallow them and because of this, they are afraid to confront their fears. Do not let your fears control your decisions and actions, they are there to help you learn new things and experience the world from a different perspective. They are there to help you break new boundaries and to live the life of your dreams.

It’s natural for us to resist the natural alterations of life and the changes that often take place. It’s is usually those surprising changes that hit us unexpectedly that create the biggest resistance.  I have had to deal with an unexpected change recently and trust me it is not easy, however, change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can be a very good thing. One thing I have come to realize about this life is that things will change; nothing will ever stay the same no matter how hard you try. It is difficult to accept change, I remembered been hit by an unexpected change, I didn’t have a choice but to welcome this change into my life, in that moment, I had very limited perspective of where this change will take me in the future, but now I reflect back and I realized how important and significant they were for my growth and development, Life is in a continuous change and transition, and so are you. So my advice is not to resist these changes that life throws your way. Embrace them and make the most of them to help you move your life forward.

Many people reach the end of their own life wishing they could have spent their time differently on things that mattered most to them. Unfortunately, at that stage it’s a little too late. They never got a chance to experience life as it should have been lived. Don’t let this be you. Your life is completely in your hands. It’s your choice to either live it with purpose or with regret. What choice will you make today?

Until next time…. Live an Inspired Life.

Love Life & Mulberry
Olori Amope xx

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