
Sunday 30 December 2012

Bad Habits That Ruin Beautiful Relationships.

We all get to that stage in our relationship where we feel completely at ease with each other, well it is only normal. But when you get so comfortable that you neglect friends, your manners e.t c then things can start going downhill.
If you want to avoid major drama in your relationship, resist the ten habits below that are known to ruin otherwise healthy relationships.

1) Criticising his/her family...
No matter how you feel about your boyfriend/girlfriend's family, making it known to him/her just how much they drive you crazy is bound to drive an irreparable wedge into your relationship. So it's best to hold your tongue when the subject of his family comes up.

2) Letting yourself go....
Not only is it bad for your health and overall well-being, but letting yourself go -- whether that means gaining weight or not caring about your appearance -- after settling into a relationship is one habit that sends a bad message to your partner: if you stop caring about yourself, he may assume that you've stopped caring about him too.

3) Forgetting your friends....
Have you ever had a friend who has suddenly partnered up with the guy/girl they’ve been raving about for the past few weeks and then you don’t see them again for months? Maybe that “friend” is actually you? We’ve all probably been guilty of this at some point in our lives. No matter how much we love spending time with our other half, it’s important to keep in regular contact with our friends for the sake of our own sanity.
Our pals remind us that there are other things going on in the world aside from romance, and they keep our feet firmly on the ground when we start getting swept off into romantic dream land. Spending all of your time with your other half usually ends up with you getting bored of each other pretty soon into the relationship and this is a recipe for disaster.

4) Spying...
You may think you're doing yourself a favor by keeping up constant surveillance your boyfriend/girlfriend's phone, Facebook and Twitter habits; however by being aware of the minutiae of his/her whereabouts and thoughts, you're more likely to do your relationship more harm than get paranoid and scared for nothing. Oh never forget.... You start Nagging!

5) Fighting in Public.....
It is natural for couples to have the occasional argument, especially after being together for any significant amount of time; however, fights that become so uncontrollable that they regularly spill out into the open, damage your relationship! I say you can have arguments. But in public, among friends act like nothing is going on.

6) Sharing Your Secrets With Your Friends.... (To my dear Ladies)
Discretion is one of the chief qualities of a good relationship. Therefore, be sure to keep various aspects of your love life for yourself and your partner. Men in particular can feel extremely vulnerable and irritated if they find out about a problem or a secret from their friends and not their partner. Talk over the delicate issues with your partner rather than confessing them to your friends.

7) Trying to improve your partner....
Many women think they are helping the men that they're with by trying to make them over, however, by doing so; they only end up causing more problems for the relationship.

8) Allowing problems to fester.....
Everyone would like to think that they have the perfect relationship; however, if in your quest to avoid creating drama in your relationship, you frequently allow things that upset you to go unsaid; you are doing yourself and your partner a great disservice. Good communication is the cornerstone of any happy, long-term coupling.

9) Taking each other for granted...

• Do you turn to him/her for his thoughts and/or advice?
• Do you consider him/her when making a decision?
• Do you thank him /her when they've done something good and/or right?
• Do you thank and compliment your partner when they mean well?
• Do you listen to him/her and/or pay attention to his/her needs?

10) Lying....
Lying to your boyfriend/girlfriend for any reason does not bode well for a successful future together. Just don't do it!!

Love Life
Olori Amope xx
Follow me on twitter @oloriamope

Friends We All Have!

There are friends that we have and just can’t live without. It’s not because of their positive aspects but because of the bad they bring. Maybe they make us feel better about our own dire situations, I don’t know, but for some reason we keep them around because, lets face it. We love the drama……!

1) The friend that can’t function within a group....

They are an absolute dream one-on-one, the perfect friend, happy, easy to talk to, sober, but as soon as there are more than 3 other people in the room, they start to play up. This ranges from being a hyperactive version of themselves, to being completely silent or just making such idiotic comments. More to the point, they have absolutely no idea how to behave around strangers.
They do their best to ruin occasions for celebration, e.g on a night out to ensure all eyes are on them, they always end up drunk and miserable, crying over something that is so irrelevant and trivial, I’m stumped for a witty analogy that would adequately highlight their stupidity.

2) I am broke....

This type of friend is not poor but just really bad with money. They know the rents due, bills are due but still buy a Gucci handbag or Hermes belt. The idea of having financial obligations is a foreign concept; if they want something they will buy it, especially if they don’t need it. Despite the fact the phrase they say most is ‘I’m broke’ they ALWAYS seem to have money to buy more things and still get by despite their reckless spending.

3). The hoe (female, male and transgendered)....

Every single person on this earth has a friend/close acquaintance that is considered a hoe (I know its not the politically correct term, but harlot seems archaic and suggests they receive payment) and if you think you don’t have a hoe friend, the probability is that you are the hoe in question.
As much as you love your hoe friend to bits, you would never ever leave them around your significant other. However hoes are such joys to be around and are genuinely good people. And for all you cleaver so and sos who ask ‘what is a hoe’, I’m not going to try and define one, but believe me I know they exist…(in different area codes)!

4) Always on a diet....

So the clique decide to go out for a meal and you’ve saved up your calories for the week and you’re all going to play make-believe and pretend you don’t care about your waistlines and can eat what you like. Oh but not this friend, the size zero wannabe obsessed twit is as quick as an anorexic on speed to constantly repeat ‘Oh no I can’t eat that, far too many calories’ and makes you feel like there is something wrong in enjoying food. They often shoot condescending looks at the plumpest person at the table as if to say ‘are you really going to eat that’.

5) The Religious Fanatic....

Suddenly everything is forbidden and everyone is going to hell. They have made it their task to be a walking, talking spy for whichever God they have chosen to serve and constantly judge even though one of the main tenets of their faith is that they aren’t supposed to.
However you keep them around just in case your clique is in a dreadful car accident and their presence in the vehicle saves you all from an early demise.

6) The Bitch....

She is absolutely horrible to everyone, her friends, her family, puppies, work colleagues, even her boyfriend. She has a tongue as sharp as a razor, intent on destroying every being it comes into contact with. We only keep her around because she appeals to our wicked nature, as her cruel comments concerning the sartorially challenged choice of clothing can make nights out extremely entertaining. However when she turns on you……..Well, you wonder why someone hasn’t assassinated her yet.

7) The Pushover...

The kindest soul in the universe, yet you exploit them. You make them baby-sit your kids, borrow from them and never return (Yes Money) and drive you places you can’t pronounce. Fortunately/unfortunately (it’s all relative) pushovers are a dying breed as everyone is far too opinionated nowadays. Blame it on the credit crunch, its now everyone man/woman for themselves!

8) Always on the phone...

Their phone is either glued to their ear or fused to their fingertips. They are restricted neither by location, time or battery life (they carry their charger).
They normally own 2-3 mobiles, each with a different network, two are line rental and one is pay as you go. They justify having 3 phones because, one is for close family/friends, the other associates and the last for people they don’t want to speak to. Despite their mobile hierarchy they seem to be on all of them for equal amounts of time.
In spit of the fact their enormous phone bills are self-inflicted they still have the audacity to complain.

Love Life

Olori Amope xx
Follow me on twitter @oloriamope

Sunday 16 December 2012

My Birthday prayer.

Father lord
Today I thank You for another year in my life, thank You that I am "wonderfully" made. I thank You for the gift of life and being alive to see today and give glory to Your name.

I am so thankful and so grateful that I can say You made me to be special, And I don't have to try to be something I'm not. Even before I was born, you know me and you created me the way I was meant to be. You created me for a purpose and You love what You created in me, is such an awesome thought!

Thank you, Lord, for always answering my prayers and my "God Give me this and that prayers😃"
Thank you for being God and never less, for freeing me for wide horizons; For protecting me from my limited vision and wayward will.
I can not thank You enough for what You have done in my life and in my heart, To bring me to where I am today.

Lord I thank You because You made it known to me, that where I am in my life right now is Just mediocrity; that You have higher expectations for me.
You have taught me that I can overcome every impossible
Things and obstacles by listening to your voice; obeying You and holding Your hand every step of the way.
I know I truly am a miracle this day, on the day of my birth, it is not by my power but you made today happen.

Thank You lord for surrounding me with beautiful families and friends, I am truly blessed to have you. And I thank God for all of you.

I love You lord, praise You, I honour You. For You are worthy of all my praise.

Happy Birthday to ME!