
Friday 27 May 2016

Be Intentional - Live On Purpose!

Intentionality allows God to use us to do the extraordinary through the ordinary - Trisha Davis

I thought I did know what kind of life I want to live, but in reality I was just allowing things to happen, situations to change, and moments to pass by. 
Then something happened that changed everything…..
After this event, expressing my feelings became a powerful means for me to connect with myself. For the first time, I became aware of my deepest desires, my purpose, my values, my hopes and dreams.  We all have unforeseen/unplanned situations in life that we may not be prepared for, but intentional living is something we determine to do irrespective of our circumstances. It has more to do with what we do with our life than what happens to us. We sometimes make plans but due to circumstances outside of our control, the said plans can be interrupted, delayed, or altered. It happens every day, from simple distractions that keep us from accomplishing what we may have planned for the day to major events that alter our lives.

I had the privilege to attend "The Ladies Fellowship" online meeting called “Girl Intentionally” (you can follow them HERE) in this meeting we discussed how to live Intentionally and the power of Intention and of course focusing on the Bible. We looked into the story of few women in the Bible who lived with Intention, women like Esther, Ruth, Mary. Click HERE for more on "Girl Intentionally". You need to take time out to seek God, to ask Him for direction for your life– Laying aside your plans for His plans. Not that God doesn’t care about our plans or our desires, He knows our heart, He knows our intentions and when our desires and intentions line-up with His, we are certain of great things regardless of our circumstances.
After the meeting, “Girl Intentionally” I was convinced and made a commitment to myself and made it my personal mission to live every day with Intention because my time here on Earth is too precious to live without purpose. As I began to put God first, I found that things seemed to fall into place, things I never expected or imagined. Not that it made everything easy or removed the challenges that I face on a daily basis, but now regardless of my circumstances I have peace, Joy and happiness. Now, my Living with Intention is based on my understanding of who God is and who He made me to be. You need to lay a proper foundation.

You need to realize that your life is made up of choices and opportunities, and you need to take advantage of the opportunities God made available to you. You don’t have to let the circumstances of your past negatively determine your life in the future; you have a choice in the matter. Do not be stuck in the same pattern of living that you have been for years; every day is a new opportunity, examine yourself and know who you are. Since the major events that happened in my life previously and recently, I have been spending  my time trying to figure out what happened, expressing and finding out about myself, I took a step back, analyze my life and realized that I had missed out on some things in life and if I continue like this I will be missing out on so many things. I am still on an incredibly windy journey to find my purpose and achieve my goals, of course it is not easy but I’m making progress. My support system is unbelievable, filled with families, friends and mentors who are helping me on my journey as I am now intentionally creating a life I love.
Here are my lesson learnt from "The Ladies Fellowship" meeting on living an Intentional life:
1. Define your Purpose and Dream big.
Identify what you want your life to communicate and contribute. Find a passion to live for that is bigger than you. Only consider the “whats” right now and not the “hows” (you’ll figure that out later). Focus on what you’ll be doing, not how you’re going to make it happen.
2. Set your goals.
Goals move us and goals shape us when you know what’s vital to you, Set goals that are directly in line with your defined purpose (Intention). By their very nature, they will introduce intentionality into your life.
3. Stay Focused.
The world we live in now is full of endless connectivity and distraction (social media I must say) that is begging for our attention practically every moment of the day. Turn off the distraction and live your life instead. Learn to remove unnecessary things that are robbing you of time and energy that could be better spent living intentionally.
4. Review and Refresh.
Make sure that your actions aligned with your values and your goals, Make sure that what you’re doing today is preparing you for the kind of person you want to be a year from now. Learn from like minded people, what can you do today to get you one step closer to that peaceful, happy life you’ve imagined for yourself? Go do it! 

So what about you? Are you living an Intentional life or planning to live an Intentional life? Are there changes you keep telling yourself you’ll make “when you have time” or “when the time is right?” Well, the time is now, make that decision to live with Intent, Let go and allow your intent to unfold. Irrespective of the unforeseen circumstances, challenges, or life changing events, we can still decide to live with intention. When you choose to live with Intention, you are basically deciding what’s important to you, and then making choices that honor what you decide is important. Living intentionally obliges us to move beyond circumstances, and rise above them, to keep our focus on our purpose in life. Seek God each day, take time out of your schedules and learn to rest in Him, you will find peace for your souls and learn to live with more intention.

Until next time, have the mind to live with purpose, focus! Decide to live your life.

Love Live and Be Intentional
Olori Amope xx

Thursday 19 May 2016

Seeing People Through The Eyes of Love.

“Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast and is not proud. Love honors others selflessly and is forgiving, keeping no record of wrongs done. Love rejoices in the Truth, protecting, trusting, hoping and enduring”. See 1 Corinthians 13:4

We usually judge people based on appearance without knowing their story etc…  (I personally I have been a victim) I wonder why? I am a living proof, I have been judge so many times by people but sometimes I look at them shook my head and say "if only you know a tiny bit of my story".
We haven’t walked in their shoes, we don’t know the struggles they’ve been through, we don’t know their background challenges or circumstances! All we know and see is that “I don’t know why they act that way”…etc. The truth is, there is a reason why people are the way they are! If we took the time to know their story, we would be much more forgiving. If we understood the battles that they’ve fought or are fighting, the pain they’ve endured/are enduring, the people that have done them wrong, we would give them a lot more mercy. We wouldn’t be critical because they went through and got a divorce, or they went through and messed up their relationship or they’ve ignored you or are unfriendly, or because they’ve got an addiction… You don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes; you don’t know the stress that they are under.

Side Bar: Proverbs 15:4 “A gentle tongue brings healing”. Bring healing, not judgment on people.

Sometimes, we judge people based on the experiences that we’ve been through. It’s easy to say: “I wouldn’t have done this/that; I wouldn’t have gotten a divorce/smoked/, I wouldn’t even have married/dated that person so I wouldn’t even have gotten a divorce or broken up like he/she did.” But I always say to people before you judge that person, have you walked in his/her shoes? Do you know what he/she has been through or is going through? Would you have known what you would have or have not done if you have not walked in their shoes? What gives you the right to judge how that particular person should live or should have lived their life? You have not gone through the same experiences so don’t jump into conclusion. We all have strengths and weaknesses, we are strong in certain areas, not because we’re great or we decided to be strong, but because of the Grace of God in our lives.

When we understand people’s story it can change our perspective and we overlook a lot of their faults. Everyone has the right of a bad day this world is full of people that need someone who understands. We can either see them through the eyes of judgment – be hard/harsh or see them through eyes of love, eyes of mercy, and eyes of understanding. The real fact is “The way you see other people is the way they are going to see you”. The same seeds that you are sowing, you will reap.
One of the greatest traits that we can develop is to “believe the best in people”. We can all criticize and see faults in others, People are human, they all make mistakes (and so do you). They are all going to do things that we don’t understand. But just as the Bible/Quran says, Love overlooks the other person’s faults. Love makes room for weaknesses, Love doesn’t magnify a mistake. Instead of taking comments, criticisms and bad things that people do to you personally, make allowances, show mercy, do what you can to show love. When you see people through eyes of love your whole perspective changes… rather than seeing challenges, you see opportunities this is because you see the possibilities and potential in people and situations, instead of the limitations. Love brings healing and forgiveness.  It transforms hurt, fear, and conflict into harmony.  But it starts with you…

Sidebar: There is always a behind story. God put them there so that you can love them back into wholeness.

The challenge now, is to start seeing people through the eyes of Love. Instead of being critical and instantly writing them off, take time out to get to know them, find out what they are all about. God puts people in our lives not to be judged, but so that we can help bring healing. Every time we show mercy, every time we overlook a fault, every time we give people the benefit of a doubt, we’re bringing hope, restoration, healing to them.
Until Next Time….. Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution.

Love Life & Sunshine :)
Olori Amope xx

Monday 16 May 2016

The Three Secrets to Happiness.

The Three Secrets to Happiness. Post written by Leo Babauta.

Few months ago I was reading different articles about Happiness, and I came across this post so I thought I had to share, as it focuses on what is important... AND YES I have tried it and it worked for me and still working which is why I have decided to share it with everyone. Happy reading.

We all know that money can buy many things BUT can’t buy happiness … but many times we act as if we’d be happier with a bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be rich (when we know the rich aren’t happy either and yes they also cry); we are trained to want the latest gadget or style that television tells us to want; we want to earn more money because then we’ll have the good life. But none of that will bring us happiness. No matter how much we earn, no matter how much we have in the bank, no matter how nice our clothing or cars or toys, none of it will make us happier. And the sad thing is that it could take us decades of pursuing wealth and luxury items before we realize this.
So what will bring us happiness?
Luckily, it’s three things that don’t cost a thing. These three things have been proven by research — surveys of hundreds of thousands of people about what they have, what their lives are like, and how
Here they are, the Three Secrets to Happiness:
1. Good Relationships: We have a human need to be close, to be intimate, with other human beings. Having good, supportive friendships, a strong marriage or close and loving relationships with our family members will make us much more likely to be happy.
Action Steps: Take time, today, to spend time with your loved ones, to tell them what they mean to you, to listen to them, and develop your relationship with them.

2. Positive Thinking: I’m obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals, but I also discovered that it can lead to happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives. When I'm happy I feel empowered, in control of my life and have a positive outlook on life. 
Action steps: I always tell people to Make positive thinking a habit, this should be one of the first habits you develop. By Getting into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Instead of “I can’t” think “I can”. It may sound corny.
Sidebar: Read Post "Choose to be Positive Mind"(here)

3) The Flow: The state we enter when we are completely focused on the work or task before us. We are so immersed in our task that we lose track of time. Having work and leisure that gets you in this state of flow will almost undoubtedly lead to happiness. People find greatest enjoyment not when they’re passively mindless, but when they’re absorbed in a mindful challenge. 
Action steps: Find work that you’re passionate about. Seriously — this is an extremely important step. Find hobbies that you’re passionate about. Turn off the TV — this is the opposite of flow — and get outside and do something that truly engages you.

Until Next Time...... You’ve been given the Three Secrets to Happiness. Don’t waste them!

Love Life & Be Happy
Olori Amope xx
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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Say NO to Abuse Against Women!

 I was editing a post yesterday and took a break, alas I stumbled across an article on Facebook. A Nigerian woman was beaten to death by her husband and a few women have spoken out in response to this, you can read the article  here and here. As I read this story, it broke my heart.... we women we have a responsibility to break this cycle of abuse. This is such burden on my heart…. Hence this post.

When are we as women going to realize that the change starts with us? That we are the ones who can break this cycle of abuse? That we need to make the right choices and contribute intently to raising up our children differently? We have little hope for this generation, but can we agree to start to positively influence the next generation?”

You will have to forgive me for pouring my heart out based on how I feel (the anger in me) and for having strong views for some topics but most especially against the abuse of women! I can't seem to emphasize it enough! Abuse against women is wrong!!!
Maybe I have a future as an activist fighting for the right of women or maybe it is from this medium (i.e. blog) that I will be able to reach out to men all over the world. Either way, the significance of respecting our women, (wives, daughters, and mothers) can never be undermined. Don’t get me wrong, men also get abused however the most common/popular is being perpetrated by the men on us and more in the institution of marriage.

If as a man you have known abuse and you have experienced pain, I would think that your conscience (and common sense) will prevent you from imposing the same abuse (in some cases, worse) on your woman. Have you no empathy for her feelings? If you hate women so much, why then do you need one in your home? To warm your bed and make your meals? If you despise the sight of her so much, why not set her free? Must you turn her into a slave to prove your manliness?

Side Bar: A man that hits his woman isn't a man, but a coward!

You marry/are with her to love and to cherish her; you are to protect and honour; for better or worse; in riches and in wealth; why then are you going back on your promise? Is it love to turn your woman into a maid in her own home? Hitting your wife, woman and mother of your child is not an honourable deed, and that’s not how to protect her! You married/are with her to be your partner, confidant, lover, mother, sister and best friend.

What sane man uses a weapon to hit his wife or even raise his hands on his wife? Have you no sense of right and wrong?! If you're so good at beating people up, then dude do me a favor…. hit the gym to work off your steam or better still go and fight your mate! Is it a thing of joy to know that your wife/girlfriend fears you? Does it excite you to know that she can't bear to look you in the eye and voice out her opinion? Do you get pleasure out of abusing her? Do you look in the mirror after hitting her and feel proud of yourself… saying Yes I’m The Man….. Excuse me, you are nothing but a coward!

We really should lay importance in educating our women. It is abnormal to be in an abusive relationship. Men that abuse women are MONSTERS in pretense of men! Women should be taught and learn how to love themselves, and not rely on a man. A woman that knows her right, worth and her place in the world cannot be intimidated by any man! No man can have any power over you if you do not give him the authorization. We need to teach our girls that an abusive relationship is not to be managed, it is to be left! We need to let them know that there are better and more caring men out there that would be lucky to have them. Respect but DON'T fear your man, he isn't your GOD!

In my honest opinion, a man that hits/abuse his wife or any woman indirectly hits/abuse his own mother, and he that disrespects his wife/ or any woman disrespects God.
Say NO to domestic violence… please walk away do not stay and say you are fasting and praying (I am not saying fasting and praying is not good) but please use your brain/head, God gave you wisdom. Stay alive for yourself and your family!

Darling it is time to WALK!

Until Next Time, Guard your Heart and Say NO to Abuse Against Women.
Love Life xx