
Thursday 10 March 2016

Choose To be Positive Mind - Having a Positive Mindset

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. (Unknown)

“Positive people also have negative thoughts. They just don’t let these thoughts control them”.

Ok, so today I am going to talk about having a positive mind, I know it is a tough one especially when you have been through a lot or going through a lot, but believe me if I can do, you can too.
We can choose to be happy or dwell on what did not work out (Past), either way it is a choice. When you wake up in the morning choose to be happy, positive, grateful and be alive.
A negative attitude will limit your life. One of the things I constantly say to myself to keep my positive mind is “I know God has something better for me, God has me in the palm of his hands, I know and I am confident the right people and opportunities are already in my future”. I say this boldly with authority because I am child of God.

It is not our circumstances that make us negative, it is our attitude towards those circumstances, have you ever noticed that positive people always focus on the possibilities and not the problem; they know that God is in control. Believe me when you are positive you are passing the test already.
Set your mind on higher things and keep it set.  Set your mind on victory, blessing, expecting good things. If you do not set you mind negative thoughts will set it for you. Say this to yourself “God’s favor is surrounding me like a shield”. When you believe in what you are saying it gets God’s attention, one good break can make up for all the bad breaks. Pay attention to what you are thinking, you cannot think negative and have a positive life.

God said “if we have faith like that of a mustard seed, we can say to the mountain to move from here to there and it will move” so why don’t we do just that, talk to the mountain and not about the mountain and see that nothing will be impossible for you.  I know it is easier said than done, but believe me I have been through it. When you stay positive, you start to see things in a positive way and you start to live a positive life. A colleague of mine every Monday morning always says “Shake off the negatives and hold on to the positives… this week I will not be moved by negativity”. Trust me she is not a believer, and most times I say to myself if she is not a believer and she has this kind of positive vibe…. Then I as a believer I do not have a choice but to remain positive because I have a God who is bigger than all my problems/obstacles.

Always surround yourself with positive people, if you are surrounded with negative people you will start to think negatively too.  Anytime I am down I have a friend/sister who I usually call and I know she will give me constructive and yet loving feedback,  I remembered last December I was in the process of something and there was what looks like an obstacle that might stop me,  I picked up the phone and called her, from the tone of my voice she knew there was something wrong and immediately she said to me “ we are not going to talk about this mountain, we are going to talk to it”, believe me I felt better after speaking with her that day, we talked to the mountain and we prayed about it. When you are stuck in a negative spiral, talk to people who can put things into perspective and won’t feed your negative thinking. Build a network of people who approach life in a positive way and spend less time with those who bring will bring you down.

Another way I keep positive mind is by singing, trust me I do not have the best voice, my brother always say to me please don’t quit your day job (lol) but I notice that every time I sing I always feel better, I do not know about some people but when I sing I show my feelings and it gives me amazing stress relief. One of my favorite song is by Sinach “Rejoice” The lyrics goes “I am going dance and praise him, it doesn’t matter what comes my way because the greater one lives inside of me and his name is Jesus. I am born winner, more than victorious and I am a heir of his kingdom, filled with the Holy Ghost.

So my dear, yes you, I am talking to you, you think how will you overcome this problem, you cannot handle it. Well why not try and shake off your negativity, you have a destiny to fulfill, be positive leave it all to God, He knows how to accelerate things and go by your day job and constantly say this to yourself confidently and with authority as a child of God “The God I serve is well and able to deliver me, no weapon formed against me will prosper, I am getting better and better in every way.

 Until next time…. Remember to “Shake off the negatives and keep a positive mind”

Love Life & Stay Positive.
Olori Amope xx


  1. And what if you can't get the negative thoughts out of your head or mind, it is a little difficult, if you are going through rough challenges and horrid things are happening one after the other, I think it is a lil hard to stay positive. Although not to say I was not inspired but I think it depends on the problem/challenges.

    1. Hi Becca,
      Thank you for taking time out to read my post. To answer your question, I know it is a little hard to get this negative thoughts out of ones head, but like they say practice, practice, constantly remind yourself of how you are going to get through it, how you know this is only a test and it will pass. There are times when negative thoughts run through my brain and instantly I snap back and say "God forbid, I know I am coming out victorious". I will say look on the bright side, even if horrid things are happening, every battle have a season and the season will surely pass.

  2. Thank you Olori Amope.... I constantly talk to myself and sometimes people think I am going mad, but once the negative tots kicks in, I say it loud, I am victorious, I am a winner, I am going to make it, this too shall pass.

    1. Thank you Ify, that is the spirit. There is power in what we say.

  3. Positive thoughts work wonders especially when going through tough times; it may not be easy but it's worth it, and I'm speaking from experience!

  4. Hi Lola,
    Thank you for taking time out to read my post. I concur, it may not be easy to keep a positive mind, but it is well worth it.
